EMFACE®: a Needle-Free Treatment for Lifted Skin

If you want a way to give your face a lift without needles or surgery, you can consider the revolutionary new facial treatment called EMFACE. It can be used to both soften wrinkles and tone the muscles in your face for a more lifted look. At Exclusively Radiant MedSpa, we are the first in Houston, TX to offer this treatment and we look forward to helping you learn more about this service. 


EMFACE is a device that encourages collagen and elastin production in the face while also toning and strengthening facial muscles. It uses dual technology to help achieve both during each short session. The two technologies used are called HIFES™ and Synchronized RF and they are both pain-free and effective. 

What Is HIFES™ Technology?

As you age, some of the muscles in your face can start to lose their strength. While more invasive procedures such as a facelift can surgically tighten these muscles, with EMFACE and the HIFES technology, these muscles can be tightened non-surgically. HIFES, or High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy contracts the muscles. It delivers up to 25,000 contractions per session toning up the same muscles that are surgically anchored up during a facelift.  

What Is Synchronized RF Technology?

As skin ages, it stops producing as much collagen, leading to wrinkles and thin, sagging skin. The second technology, Synchronized RF, is used to heat the skin with radiofrequency energy to help promote the production of new collagen and elastin. Since these are the support structures for your skin, you can come away from the treatments with skin that is tightened and lifted. 

What Are the Benefits of EMFACE?

No Needles or Surgery

Many anti-aging treatments for the face involve fillers, surgery, or the injection of toxins. While these other treatments still have their place, EMFACE may be right for someone who wants a minimally invasive and needle-free way to achieve toning and lifting results. EMFACE is a hands-free and pain-free device. 

No Downtime

There is no downtime with the EMFACE treatment. You will simply come to our medspa, relax for 20-30 minutes during your treatment, and then leave feeling refreshed. There are no scars, injection sites, or recovery time.

Works With Your Body

EMFACE is beneficial because it works with your body to produce these effects. During the treatment, your body will respond to the radiofrequency and electromagnetic energy. This creates results that look very natural. 

Fast Treatment

Each treatment session takes only 20 minutes to complete. It can be done on your lunch break or in the morning before work and won’t take up hours of your day. 

What Areas Does EMFACE Target?

The EMFACE device can lift your cheeks, eyebrows, neck, and jawline. It can help to reduce wrinkles or fine lines on many areas of your face including on your forehead, around your mouth, near the eyes, and on your cheeks.

The EMFACE Treatment Process

The EMFACE treatment is an easy process that can be done by anyone who wants extra lift for their face. When you come into our office, we will get you comfortable and then place the three EMFACE patches on your cheeks and your forehead. During the 20-30 minutes that you are having the treatment, you will feel the muscles in your forehead and cheeks contract over and over again. You will also feel a warming sensation from the radiofrequency heat. This heat is comfortable and will not sting or burn. After your treatment, you are free to continue with your day without any recovery time.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

In most cases, the effects of EMFACE treatments are most clearly seen after four treatments. For many of our patients, we recommend getting one treatment every week for four weeks. We can also set you up with a monthly maintenance plan to keep your face toned and smooth all year long. 

What Do Clinical Studies Say?

During clinical studies of EMFACE technology, it was shown that the combination of Synchronized RF and HIFES™ is effective in lifting the face, increasing muscle tone, and reducing wrinkles. These studies found that patients experienced:

  • 37% wrinkle reduction in targeted areas
  • 23% lifting of the face
  • 30% increase in the tone of facial muscles

Are You a Good Candidate for EMFACE?

You should always discuss with your doctor whether EMFACE is the right treatment for you. Before beginning treatments, you’ll set up a consultation with us to go over your medical history and your aesthetic goals. This treatment can help anyone who wants to lift their face and reduce wrinkles without surgery. However, you may not be a good candidate if you have metal implants or scarring. We are happy to talk to you about any of your individual concerns. 

EMFACE Treatments in Houston, TX

If you want a lift for your face but you have been putting it off because of hesitation for other treatments such as injectables, fillers, or surgery, we are excited to be able to offer a different option. EMFACE allows the skin on your face to both look and feel more like it did when you were younger. It is a good option for both men and women who want fewer wrinkles and a more defined jawline. 

As your skin ages, we can help you to enjoy your skin more through facial wrinkle treatments at Exclusively Radiant MedSpa. EMFACE is our newest facial treatment and we are excited to unveil it in Houston, TX. Call us today for a consultation about EMFACE or any of our other treatments.